Durban Court
Daly Morris Fuller Inc
1 Knightsbridge, 16 Westville Road, Westville. 3630

Court Citations:
  • In the magistrate’s court for the district of eThekwini, held at Durban.
  • In the regional court for the regional division of KwaZulu Natal, held at Durban.
  • In the high court of South Africa, KwaZulu Natal local division, Durban.

Court address: Corner of Somtseu and Stalwart Simelane Streets, Durban.

Chatsworth Court
Daly Morris Fuller Inc
C/O Messenger King – Chatsworth
At the offices of Shenaaz B. Habib & Co.
311 Lenny Naidu Drive, Bayview, Chatsworth, 4092

Court Citations:
  • In the magistrate’s court for the eThekwini South sub-district of eThekwini, held at Chatsworth.
  • In the regional court for the regional division of KwaZulu Natal, held at Chatsworth.

Court address: 1 Justice Street, Chatsworth Town Centre, Chatsworth.

Ntuzuma Court
Daly Morris Fuller Inc
C/O Messenger King – Ntuzuma
At the offices of Sathish Mahabir & Ass.
1st Floor Raghavjee Ruganath Building, 25 George Sewpersadh Street, Verulam

Court Citations:
  • In the magistrate’s court for the eThekwini North sub-district of eThekwini, held at Ntuzuma.
  • In the regional court for the regional division of KwaZulu Natal, held at Ntuzuma.

Court address: 88 Bridgecity Boulevard, Phoenix Industrial Park, Ntuzuma.

Pinetown Court
Daly Morris Fuller Inc
1 Knightsbridge, 16 Westville Road, Westville, 3630

Court Citations:
  • In the magistrate’s court for the eThekwini West sub-district of eThekwini, held at Pinetown.
  • In the regional court for the regional division of KwaZulu Natal, held at Pinetown.

Court address: 5 Chancery Lane, Pinetown.

Umlazi Court
Daly Morris Fuller Inc
C/O Messenger King – Umlazi
At the offices of Shanaaz B. Habib, 311 Lenny Naidu Drive (Pelican), Bayview, Chatsworth, 4092

Court Citations:
  • In the magistrate’s court for the eThekwini South sub-district of eThekwini, held at Emlazi.
  • In the regional court for the regional division of KwaZulu Natal, held at Umlazi.

Court address: 1 Griffiths, Griffiths Mxenge Highway, Umlazi V, Umlazi.

Verulam Court
Daly Morris Fuller Inc
C/O Messenger King – Verulam
At the office of Sathish Mahabir & Ass.
1st Floor Raghavjee Ruganath Building, 25 George Sewpersadh Street, Verulam

Court Citations:
  • In the magistrate’s court for the eThekwini North sub-district of eThekwini, held at Verulam.
  • In the regional court for the regional division of KwaZulu Natal, held at Verulam.

Court address: 52 George Sewpersadh Street, Verulam.

Daly Morris Fuller Inc is a Legal Serve agent.